Sequela Christi 2021 Day 13

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 13

Reflections by: Ashwin Pandiyan, Aaron Dharanan, Jonah Kwek La Verna  En route to the mountain of the Stigmata La Verna. The mountain of the Stigmata. The climax of our pilgrimage. The journey up to the sacred mountain was almost unreal. In a very real sense, we...
Sequela Christi 2021 Day 12

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 12

Reflections by: Dillon Lim, Gzenn Low, Jonah Kwek Basilica of St. Domenico Basilica of St Domenico After a delicious breakfast buffet from the hotel, we stepped out into the rainy streets of Siena. Our first stop of the day was the Basilica of St. Domenico. Although...
Sequela Christi 2021 Day 11

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 11

Reflections by: Aaron Dharanan, Eden Leow, Ashwin Pandiyan, Jonah Kwek Le Celle Hermitage Our first stop of the day was a hermitage. Known as Le Celle, this Franciscan hermitage is just five kilometres from Cortona at the feet of Mount Sant’Egidio. In 1211, St Francis...
Sequela Christi 2021 Day 10

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 10

Reflections by: Dillon Lim, Gzenn Low, Jonah Kwek Carceri Hermitage Glorious skies of Assisi For our last full day in Assisi, we awoke to dark, heavy clouds that threatened rain. Our first stop was high in the mountains: the Carceri Hermitage. Built in 1205, Carceri...
Sequela Christi 2021 Day 9

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 9

Reflections by: Eden Leow, Ashwin Pandiyan, Aaron Dhavanar, Jonah Kwek SMOTA  Interior of St Mary of the Angels It was clear from our first visit to SMOTA that we needed at least another day to take in the simple majesty of this Basilica. There just didn’t...
Sequela Christi 2021 Day 8

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 8

Reflections by: Dillon Lim, Gzenn Low Foligno – Church of St. Francis Altar of Church of St Francis Ceiling of Church of St Francis After breakfast at the hotel and a lovely morning prayer during our 20 minute bus ride, we arrived at the town of Foligno. Foligno...
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