
Reflection by: Magdeline

 Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 11 – Avila/Santiago de Compostela


Today, we attended Mass at the magnificent Salamanca Cathedral, located in the heart of western Spain. The gospel reading focused on how God’s burden is light, which resonated deeply with me. Lately, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed at work, and I’ve come on this trip to find some spiritual peace and reflect on the challenges I’m facing. The message felt particularly relevant, offering a sense of comfort and encouragement in the midst of my struggles.🕊️

The cathedral itself is a stunning blend of history, with two distinct parts: the Old Cathedral, dating back to the 12th century, and the New Cathedral, completed in the 18th century. One of the most famous and quirky features is the astronaut carving👩‍🚀 on the facade—an unexpected, modern touch amid the cathedral’s ancient stonework that never fails to catch the eye.

Salamanca is also home to the University of Salamanca, founded in 1218, which holds the title of the oldest university in the world. I found it fascinating to learn about its unique traditions, where students who failed their exams were once tossed into the cold river, while those who passed were celebrated with parties. It got me thinking, “Wow, the extremes!”—and I couldn’t help but be relieved that I didn’t study here.😭😭

All in all, it was a truly enriching experience, offering both spiritual reflection and a glimpse into the history of one of Spain’s most iconic landmarks.

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