
Our History and
Franciscan Spirituality


“Fraternitas” is the response of the Order of Friars Minor in Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei to the call of the General Chapter of the OFM in 2021 “for all entities of the Order to renew its focus on young people.”

We feel invited by the Holy Spirit to accompany young adults, particularly at this time in history when so many young people no longer trust institutions like the Church, are disaffiliated from the faith traditions of their families, or are even ‘unchurched’ or never introduced to religion… we know that our primary invitation is to walk together with young adults as collaborators and fellow missionary disciples in today’s world.

(Final Document of the General Chapter 2021, n. 29)

Fraternitas is a ministry of the Franciscan Friars in Singapore ministering to youth and young adults. 

This ministry was born out of the inaugural “Sequela Christi 2019” pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Rome and Assisi. This pilgrimage was catered for young adults in December of 2019, just prior to the outbreak of the global pandemic.

Following the pilgrimage, this group of young adult Catholics continued to journey with the Franciscan friars on a weekly journey through Scriptures (Lectio Divina), monthly book club on Franciscan Spirituality and the periodic zoom meetings with the global Franciscan family of friars, cloistered Poor Clare nuns, Franciscan YouTube personalities, friars working in the area of the United Nations Human Rights Commission and missionaries in Latin America. This provided a universal appreciation of the Franciscan charism at work in different cultures and countries.

What is Franciscan

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