
Safeguarding Fraternitas

As a fraternity journeying toward God in the Franciscan way, it is important that, collectively, we create a safe place for one another – where one can effectively share one’s journey of faith. Each of us plays a vital role in responding with love, respect, and with compassion when someone comes forward to share. 

As a Fraternity, we are committed to: 

Gospel Imperatives

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

– Micah 6:8

As a fraternity, we pride ourselves as one body of Christ, rooted in the Gospel imperatives of truth, justice, compassion and reconciliation.

Catholic Social Teaching

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

– Galatians 6:10

Above all, we recognize our Christian identity and believe in doing good (beneficence) and to avoid doing harm (nonmaleficence).

Franciscan Commitment

 “Because all creatures are connected, each must be cherished with love and respect, for all of us as living creatures are dependent on one another.”

– Laudato Si 42

Guided by Franciscan spirituality, we commit ourselves to respect, protect and care for all creation.

1. Gospel imperatives of truth, justice, compassion and reconciliation

2. Franciscan Commitment to respect, protect and care for all of creation

3. Catholic Social Teaching: to do good (beneficence) and to avoid doing harm (nonmaleficence)

1. Treat all with love, recognising their inherent dignity and value, regardless of gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity.

2. Build trusting relationships based on Franciscan values of honesty, openness, and confidentiality.

a. Keep all that is shared in the group within the group.

b. Maintain a prayerful and respectful atmosphere during sessions.

3. Balance care and concern with respect for another’s privacy and personal space.

a. Protect the privacy and well-being of one another.

b. If members have not come for a while. reach out with a spirit of concern; do not pressure others into coming.

c. Be mindful of behaviour which may come across as harassing or intimidating, across communication channels, social media, and           in-person settings.

d. Mixed-gender sharings should be discreet when discussing topics of an intimate nature, so as to respect boundaries.

i. Further accopaniment can be recommended with a facilitator of the same gender to facilitate growth.

4. Be accountable for our actions to one another, to our groups, and to the fraternity.

a. Own your actions.

b. Be receptive to feedback.

5. Be sensitive to potential conflicts of interest.

a. No commercial canvassing for any services or products.

6. Please consider approaching the appropriate person based on the protocol below if:

a. If you feel uncomfortable due to someone else’s actions.

b. If you need clarification on these guidelines.

7. If you hear of any incidents, speak to the appropriate people first and refrain from sharing with others.

Based on the principle of subsidiarity and the spirit of fraternal correction (desire to journey with all parties in fraternity):

1. First level: empowering all members to look out for each other through sharing of these guidelines at fraternity-level and group-level. 

2. Second level: members to approach facilitators (if they feel comfortable enough) if an incident has occured. 

3. Third level: If need be/if a member is not comfortable speaking to a facilitator, they can approach members of the Core team by Telegram. This should be done before going to the fourth level. 

4. Fourth level: If further intervention/spiritual conselling is required, the Core team members will bring this to the attention of Fra. John-Paul or Fra. Derrick.

Contact Us

If at any point in time, you felt uncomfortable or if any boundaries were breached, reach out to us through the contacts below.


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