
Sequela Christi 2021

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Dec 27, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 13

La Verna. The mountain of the Stigmata. The climax of our pilgrimage. The journey up to the sacred mountain was almost unreal. In a very real sense, we were riding up into the clouds. Even in the bus, the journey was a winding, treacherous and long one, and it boggles the mind as to how

Reflection by: Ashwin Pandiyan, Aaron Dharanan, Jonah Kwek
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Dec 26, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 12

After a delicious breakfast buffet from the hotel, we stepped out into the rainy streets of Siena. Our first stop of the day was the Basilica of St. Domenico. Although the church is dedicated to St. Dominic, the highlight of this church is the relics of St. Catherine of Siena that it houses. Our local guide cheekily added that most locals

Reflection by: Dillon Lim, Gzenn Low, Jonah Kwek
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Dec 25, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 11

Our first stop of the day was a hermitage. Known as Le Celle, this Franciscan hermitage is just five kilometres from Cortona at the feet of Mount Sant’Egidio. In 1211, St Francis along with a few of his followers built the first nine cells of the hermitage, and the place has taken the name of Celle ever since. Here, we were only able to see

Reflection by: Aaron Dharanan, Eden Leow, Ashwin Pandiyan, Jonah Kwek
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Dec 24, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 10

For our last full day in Assisi, we awoke to dark, heavy clouds that threatened rain. Our first stop was high in the mountains: the Carceri Hermitage. Built in 1205, Carceri Hermitage translates to the hermitage of prison cells, and is a forest gorge four kilometres above Assisi. St. Francis dedicated himself to a life of preaching and missions,

Reflection by: Dillon Lim, Gzenn Low, Jonah Kwek
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Dec 23, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 9

It was clear from our first visit to SMOTA that we needed at least another day to take in the simple majesty of this Basilica. There just didn’t seem to be enough time to take in everything. From the doves that roosted just off the statue of St Francis, to the roses that did not grow thorns, God’s footprints were evident everywhere. I

Reflection by: Eden Leow, Ashwin Pandiyan, Aaron Dhavanar, Jonah Kwek
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Dec 22, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 8

After breakfast at the hotel and a lovely morning prayer during our 20 minute bus ride, we arrived at the town of Foligno. Foligno is an ancient town of Italy in the province of Peruvian in east central Umbria. Once in Foligno, we headed straight for the Church of St Francis in Foligno. Following the theme of many other

Reflection by: Dillon Lim, Gzenn Low
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Dec 21, 2022

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 7

Today, we explored some places that are central to the Franciscan Order, and hold a special place in many people’s hearts around the world. To start the day, we travelled a short distance away to the foot of Assisi, to the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels.

Reflection by: Eden Leow, Aaron Dhavanar, Ashwin Pandiyan, Jonah Kwek
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Dec 20, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 6

We were greeted with overcast skies and chilly mountain air for our first morning in Assisi. We then hopped on the bus and whizzed off to our first stop of the day: the mountain village of Greccio.

Reflection by: Gzenn Low, Dillon Lim, Jonah Kwek
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Dec 19, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 5

Today we say goodbye to the majestic city of Rome and move on to Assisi. Leaving behind the grandeur of the High Baroque and intricate artworks, we carry on to the humility of St. Francis, and the simplicity and radicality of his faith. An early start and a 2-hour bus ride later, we first passed through the Town of Bagnoregio,

Reflection by: Jonah Kwek, Ashwin Pandiyan, Eden Leow, Aaron Dhavanar
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Dec 18, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 4

The Basilica of St. Mary of the Altar of Heaven (Latin: Basilica Sanctae Mariae de Ara coeli in Capitolio, Italian: Basilica di Santa Maria in Ara coeli al Campidoglio) is a titular basilica in Rome, located on the highest summit of the Campidoglio. It is still the designated Church of the city council of Rome, which uses the ancient title of

Reflection by: Dillon Lim, Gzenn Low, Lynette Koh, Ashwin Pandiyan, Eden Leow
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Dec 17, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 3 (Part 2/2)

The church of St Alfonso was dedicated to St. Alphonsus Liguori, the founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists). The church is one of the rare examples of neo-Gothic architecture in Rome. It is one of the last papal churches of Rome, although the Redemptorists have possession of the church and its

Reflection by: Staff
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Dec 17, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 3 (Part 1/2)

Today was an earlier day, with breakfast at 7am this morning, as today would be a very packed day full of shrines and Churches to visit. After a hearty breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, ham, cheese, a spread of pastries and coffee, our first stop for the day was Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (The Basilica of the Holy Cross in

Reflection by: Staff
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Dec 16, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 2

After a hearty buffet breakfast at our hotel, we hopped on our bus and headed for the Roman neighbourhood of Trastevere. Trastevere comes from the Latin “Trans Tiberim” which means “beyond the Tiber”, as the neighbourhood lies across the Tiber River from the historic centre of Rome. Trastevere is one of the more characteristic

Reflection by: Dillon Lim, Gzenn Low, Han Joseph Kuah, Lynette Koh
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Dec 15, 2021

Sequela Christi 2021 Day 1

Today marks the start of Sequela Christi 2021! ‘Sequela Christi’ directly translates into: following (in the footsteps of) Christ. St. Francis was one who greatly imitated Christ (Imitatio Christi), conforming to Him not just internally but externally as well (in receiving the stigmata of Christ). As we follow in St. Francis' life and the other

Reflection by: Jonah Kwek, Eden Leow, Ashwin Pandiyan, Aaron Dharanan Davar
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