
Sequela Christi 2022

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Dec 16, 2023

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 14

Our first stop was at Ein Karem (Hebrew: “Spring of the Vineyard”); it is a historic mountain village southwest of ancient Jerusalem, Israel, and now a neighborhood on the outskirts of the modern city, within Jerusalem District, Israel.. Ein Karem was an important Jewish village during the late Second Temple period

Reflection by: Ivan Francis
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Dec 15, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 13

Day 13 began with us visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for mass. I was excited to find out where we were going to be attending mass; especially because the Church of the Holy Sepulchre marks the pinnacle of our faith – where Jesus’s tomb is – and where He resurrected.

Reflection by: Fiona Sng
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Dec 14, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 12

We started out early in the morning for a 2-hour drive to Masada, an ancient stone fortress in Israel, located high above the Dead Sea on a tall, rocky mesa. Now an Israeli national park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the 840-acre complex holds well-preserved ruins attesting to the

Reflection by: Marcus Liow
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Dec 13, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 11

Today was what you might call the climax of our pilgrimage. It was to be a long day ahead, packed full of sights, smells, sounds, emotions and mostly retracing the passion of Christ. We started the morning by walking the Via Dolorosa,

Reflection by: Ben Liow
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Dec 12, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 10

An ancient city that was once the capital of Israel, Shiloh was the resting place of the tabernacle for over 3 centuries. Shiloh most likely meant “peaceful” or “tranquil” in old Hebrew. The Bible records a tragic close to Shiloh’s illustrious history.

Reflection by: Gabriel Ee
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Dec 12, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 9

In the morning, we made our way to the Temple Mount! The Temple Mount refers to the elevated plaza above the Western Wall in Jerusalem. It was the site of both ancient Jewish temples. The first, built by King Solomon, was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE.

Reflection by: Nicolas Cabawatan
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Dec 10, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 8

How do you summarise years of history and culture? How do you measure the infinite humility of God, to come down as a baby? On day 8th of Sequela Christi, we had the opportunity to visit and meditate on the greatest love story, a predestined love story where God became man.

Reflection by: Ben Tan
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Dec 9, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 7

Our day began with a drive up Mount Berenice where we had the most beautiful view of the sea of Galilee. The sea of Galilee has been a reminder of how the disciples were willing to immediately drop their fishing nets and follow Him, as soon as he called them.

Reflection by: Ivan Francis
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Dec 8, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 6

Day 6 of our trip began with a trip to St Peter’s Church. The Church was built around 1100 AD and represents the Church of Christ resisting storms. Other than the interior of the church being shaped like an inverted boat, there is a symbol showing a man in the boat on the waters.

Reflection by: Fiona Sng
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Dec 7, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 5

The day started with a morning jog from our hotel up to Mount Berenice to catch the Sunrise as well as to take a look at the 2,000-year-old pool and the remains of a 6th-century church that was used by Herod Antipas.

Reflection by: Marcus Liow
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Dec 6, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 4

Day 4 of our trip began with a visit to the Mount of Beatitudes, the site of the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus gave us the Beatitudes (Matt 5:1-11). Father JP celebrated Mass for us at one of the altars in the landscaped garden of the Mount, and as he celebrated Mass, I was reminded of how Jesus, being the first priest,

Reflection by: Ben Liow
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Dec 5, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 3

There are three to four different places that claim to be the Cana from the bible. One of the more favoured ones lies about 4 miles along the road from Nazareth to Tiberias.The rough location of the marriage of Cana from the New Testament.

Reflection by: Gabriel Ee
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Dec 4, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 2

On the morning of the second day, we were blessed with great weather! We checked out of the hotel and headed to Caesarea. Caesarea was initially an ancient Phoenician settlement known as Straton's Tower. It was rebuilt in 22-10 BCE by King Herod, and renamed for his patron, emperor Caesar Augustus.

Reflection by: Nicholas Cabawatan
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Dec 3, 2022

Sequela Christi 2022 Day 1

Tel Aviv was founded in 1909 as a Jewish garden suburb of the ancient Mediterranean port of Jaffa (now Yafo), with which it was joined in 1950. By the beginning of the 21st century, the modern city of Tel Aviv had developed into a major economic and cultural center.

Reflection by: Ben Tan
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