
Reflection by: Timothy 

Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 11 – Siena


Day 11 began with mass at Monteriggioni. A small castle built by the Sienese between 1213 – 1219 , a miniature version of a fortress with four walls surrounding the city. Built on top of a hill, its watchtowers provide residents with a clear view of the surrounding area. It must have been useful in spotting enemies and providing a high ground for defence. If only walls could talk, great battles happened here and there was even a plague. Ironic how material things can seem so important to us now but eventually, its glamour would fade away. The people back then killed for this place, now it’s uninhabited and filled with tourists admiring what once was.

The winery was our next stop where we were treated to a big feast. Yes, the wine was good and the food was good but what struck me more was true joy. We talked, we laughed and we sang our hearts out. It was true joy. Truly innocent, natural and harmless joy. I really had fun at today’s lunch and it is so great to be reminded of how happinesses can be multiplied around others. 

We then headed to San Gimignano where we visited another small town surrounded by mediaeval walls. I think back then people were very protective of their own, not much different from the people now. Also known as the “Town of Fine Towers”, each family had a tower built into their homes. In case of an attack, they will climb into these towers and keep the ladder they used to prevent enemies from entering. 

In addition to a wall surrounding the city, residents even built an additional tower to fend off enemies. Seeing this reminded me of my own faith in God. How difficult it may be to give up our tall towers and walls to fully follow God. Subconsciously, we may have doubts in our mind and it is part of the journey to deeper faith. Only when we realise tall towers and walls are nothing compared to the love that Christ promises us, then can we fully enter into his arms. Doubts are a simple reminder to look deeper into our faith. Saint Thomas had to literally stick his finger into the side of Jesus to be convinced. What can we do today to seek clarity in our faith journey? A question that I believe will be present within me no matter how far I have come in my own journey. 












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