
Reflection by: Carissa

Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 15 – Padua-Milan


As we slowly approach the end of our pilgrimage travelling into Milan, there is a bittersweet feeling towards the overall experience — feelings of immense gratitude for the people I’ve made on this trip who’ve made it so enjoyable & engaging, as well as feelings of hesitation that it’s all coming to an end & we’ll be back to the realities of life. 

As Fra. John Paul mentioned during mass today, he prompted us to think about how we can still continue to carry the caves within us & live in a way that continues to pay particular attention to our interior lives. 

Moreover, what stood out for me today was seeing Leonardo Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” gesso painting on the wall of the refectory. I did not expect it to look so grand in terms of scale & the fact that Da Vinci decided to capture the moment in which Jesus told his apostles that one of them will betray Him. As I ponder on this painting, it hits me that Da Vinci probably pondered on this scene for a long time as well, perking his own curiosity and interest before setting out to paint this wonderful masterpiece. 

This painting prompted me to think about what I wanted to bring back with me to Singapore from this pilgrimage; how I’d like to integrate the Lord more deeply in my daily life. Furthermore, as a fellow artist and creative myself — how can I use my talents to share the faith with others? This trip has allowed me to really bring the Lord into the deepest crevaces of my heart, for Him to get to know me more fully. 

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