
Reflection by: Jerel

Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 18 – Home


18 days ago, our pilgrims from diverse walks of life came together to embark on a perilous journey into self-discovery. Following in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi, we were privileged to explore the historic personalities of St. Francis, St. Clare, and many other Saints. It is perhaps a good time to look back and reflect on the various ways our hearts, minds and souls have been greatly enriched by our experiences. While today concludes the Sequela Christi 2023 pilgrimage, the pilgrimage of our lives continues.


As we return to the routine of our lives, it is extremely easy to forget the quiet, contemplative moments that we shared with God. The moments of silence, where we poured out the burdens of our hearts, expressed gratitude, or simply basked in the stillness with our Lord, may fade from memory. I pray that we will never forget these moments but instead allow them to inspire a deeper desire for God. When we are lost in the noise of the world, we may often neglect to look inwards and probe the state of our spiritual life. How often do we only dedicate a couple of minutes before bed to prayer? How often do we forget about the presence of God in our lives when we are preoccupied or anxious? My friends, let us not give up on prayer and faith just because we do not audibly hear His voice, or when our prayers appear to go unanswered. Taking a little inspiration from St. Francis, I have learnt that such moments are often invitations to retreat back into stillness and enjoy His wonderful presence. Let us prioritise spending time with God in silence and contemplation daily, offering Him our undivided attention to the best of our abilities amidst fears and worries. God, our Father, will surely aid us in ways far better than anything we could ever plan for ourselves. 

On behalf of the Sequela Christi 2023 pilgrims, we would like to thank all of you for following us on this journey and for praying for us. We hope that you have enjoyed the various pictures and reflections, and even perhaps, inspired you to begin your own perilous journey into self-discovery. 

Pax et Bonum!

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