Reflection by: Calvin 

Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 6 – Assisi


“Most High glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart. Give me right faith, sure hope, and perfect charity. Fill me with understanding and knowledge, that I may fulfil your command” – St Francis’ prayer before the crucifix. 

Visiting three very special Franciscan sites today was extremely special for me, and this prayer Friar John Paul shared with us at St Damiano was especially pertinent for me today as we stood in the very places where Francis and Clare had their conversion experiences. 

Starting first with mass in the tomb of St Francis, it felt special to be celebrating with one of the great saints whom so many have followed. The basilica’s frescos were also really thought-provoking to me, particularly how they depicted both the lives of St Francis and Jesus. Their life events seemed to mirror each other, such as how they were both born in stables, which highlighted how St Francis was an “alter christus”, another Christ.

Celebrating mass at the Tomb of St Francis

At the Basilica of St Clare, we stood before the St Damiano cross, the one which Francis was before as he heard Jesus tell him to rebuild his church. Additionally, we got to see the lock of hair that Francis cut off Clare, signifying her leaving behind her past life and fully committing to the Franciscan way. These two artefacts to me signified the radicality of both Francis and Clare, and I marvel at how they were able to have the strength and courage to follow Christ so wholeheartedly. 

Later on, we visited St Damiano, which Francis himself built after hearing God’s convocation. At St Damiano too, we saw the window from which Clare thwarted invaders by lifting up blessed sacrament. Even though these were very different acts, for me they both demonstrated this immense faith that they both had, to be able to place such trust in God and commit their lives to him. 

Statue of Saint Clare raising up the Blessed Sacrament

Being in the very place these events occurred helped move Francis and Clare from mere characters into very real saints. Seeing too their conversion experiences and how they had their own struggles also reminded me of their humanity and how they too were human like us. And yet their great faith and cooperation with the spirit allowed them to create such great movements, movement that have lasted the last 800 years and have brought us here today.