
Reflection by: Nicole Chow

Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 4 – Barcelona/Lourdes


Day 4 began with a seven-hour long drive from the bustling city of Barcelona to the serene town of Lourdes, nestled within the Pyrenees mountains. The crisp, cool air of Lourdes quickly refreshed us, banishing the grogginess from the lone drive.



We started with a Mass celebration at the Chapel of St. Anne, a place that holds deep spiritual significance with roots stretching back to 1858. It was here that a young Bernadette Soubirous encountered the Blessed Virgin Mary, who instructed her to drink from a spring that has since been known for its healing properties

In his homily, Fr John Paul spoke about the need for personal healing in order to help others, reminding us that healing begins by addressing the wounds in our lives. We can then become instruments of healing to others through our actions and words. 

As Mass ended, the darkness of night settled over Lourdes, and the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes stood illuminated against the darkening sky, offering a symbol of hope and comfort to us. Eventually, the day drew to an end as I left the chapel with a renewed sense, knowing that healing is not only possible, but that it begins from within. 

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