
Reflection by: Timothy Wong


Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 7 – SAN SEBASTIAN


Day 7 brought us to the Arantzazu Sanctuary, visited by St Ignatius in 1522 after his conversion and on his pilgrimage to Montserrat.

Set in the heart of the Basque Country, this sanctuary is an important spiritual centre, as well as being one of the prime examples of contemporary Basque art.

Strikingly, the 14 apostles (including St Barnabas and St Paul) are located at a lower section of the entrance to the Basilica, each apostle remains unidentifiable, an intended characteristic of the sculpture.

The artist portrays the true meaning of apostleship, a humble messenger of Christ, solely focused on spreading the glory of God.

In the other basilicas we have visited, the apostles are located high above with individual full-body sculptures, easily identifiable by name or design (e.g. St Peter with his keys).

However, the artist seeks to remind us that the apostles were no different from us, as we are also called to be apostles of Christ in our own lives!

Entering the Basilica, the small thirteenth – century image of the Virgin Mary sits in the limelight of the contemporary architectural design. The discovery of the image brought peace in a time of war among neighbours in the region. Hence, even without marian apparition, the image holds special meaning for the people here. As the intercession of Mother Mary must have been so real to have brought much peace into their lives, enough to eventually end the war.

Reflecting on the power of Our Lady’s intercession, I found myself in awe of how deeply her presence resonates in this sanctuary. The Arantzazu Sanctuary stands as a testament to the enduring faith of the Basque people, who see in the Virgin Mary a source of unity and reconciliation.

The Basilica itself is a striking fusion of the ancient and the modern, blending tradition with innovation in a way that mirrors the timeless relevance of our faith. Inside, the serene atmosphere invites contemplation and prayer, offering a space to connect with God through the intercession of Our Lady.

As I prayed before the image of the Virgin, I couldn’t help but reflect on the peace she brought to the region and the peace she continues to bring into our lives today. Her maternal care reminds us to trust in God’s providence, especially in times of conflict and uncertainty.

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