
Reflection by: Dominic Chua


Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 8 – SAN SEBASTIAN | BURGOS | AVILA


Today was a memorable adventure in the town of Burgos. We left early, and the day started with a rainy 3 hour drive to Burgos, which added a sense of peace to the morning.

When we reached Burgos, we were greeted with the Santa Maria Arch. Its architecture is awe-inspiring. The arch is embellished with statues of distinguished figures from the annals of Burgos and Castilla. We then headed for mass.

After mass, we had lunch followed by some free time. That’s when some pilgrims and I visited a shop runned by nuns. Their shop had its charm, with wooden shelves lined with religious items, handmade crafts, and homemade snacks . You could immediately tell that they were excited to interact with us. Their enthusiasm was contagious as they approached us, engaging us in conversation and trying to practice their English.

Their kindness and openness were evident in our conversation, as they took the time to share details about the items in the shop and their work. It was clear they cherished the opportunity to connect and communicate, and their warmth made the visit unforgettable. Just as we were about to leave, the nuns handed each of us a card, and explained it to us. On top, it translated to “No one is lost”. They also explained the drawing (done by one of the nuns) where the woman is represented by the church while the boy represents each and every one of us. We are reminded that despite the sufferings and challenges in life, faith can be the steady anchor that keeps us grounded.

We then headed for a tour around the town with our guide, Santiago. He brought us for a short tour around town, before heading into the Cathedral de Santa Maria. Honestly, it might have been my favourite church we’ve visited so far. One thing that caught my attention is the Chapel of Santa Ana. The extraordinary main altarpiece, dedicated to the iconographic theme of the Tree of Jesse and the genealogy of the Virgin.

Next, we headed to Avila, located 3 hours away from Burgos, where we will be staying at for the next 3 days.

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