
More from Sequela Christi 2023

Sequela Christi 2023 Day 1

Reflection by: Carissa Chronicle – Coming into this trip, I was feeling excited but also not knowing what to expect as I’ve not been to Italy before, or been on a pilgrimage like this before. As we went to each of the different locations, I was in awe and amazement. 

Sequela Christi 2023 Day 2

Reflection by: Timothy – For day 2, we had mass at OFM Curia. A beautiful church with mosaic art all over the walls of the church. The arches in all four corners of the church creates an echo that makes hymns sound like they were sung by angels.

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Art Meets Faith

“God loves us into letting go”. Read about how a group of young creatives encountered our God – the God of beauty – through art.

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

From Gregorian to Mozart, Jonah took the participants on a journey through the ages, looking at music and its liturgical functions.

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