
Reflection by: Marian Chow

Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 16 – LISBON


It is Day 16 and we are at the final leg of the pilgrimage trip to Lisbon. I am enjoying myself and I am not ready to say goodbye to the memories I made with my fellow brothers and sisters along the way.

I enjoy my experience in Spain, Lourdes and Portugal and I have learnt a lot about the faith in different cultures. 

I have just recently learnt that St Anthony of Padua was a Portuguese saint not Italian which is a common mistake amongst the Catholics. Not only is he the patron saint for lost items, he is also a patron saint of good marriages in Portugal. 

During the homily, Father John Paul shows how St Anthony’s pilgrim journey took a different path from attempting to achieve martyrdom to becoming an educator of the Franciscans. He went on to share that God has a plan for each of us and let him guide us on our own pilgrim road. 

“God’s plan” can be a tough pill to swallow for many of us as we yearn for good things to happen no matter how we pray. God’s plan might be like a lottery wheel, what we receive is different from another individual, but we have to trust in his plans for it is meant to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Our relationship with God is complex and it is important that we reflect on it. 

As our faith is a never ending journey, it is time for us to walk our own pilgrimage road. 

Down, down, down the road. Down the pilgrims road🐚🚶

Drawn by me to represent one’s faith journey just like the pilgrims who are participating in the Camino walk.

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