Reflection by: Marian Chow Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 16 – LISBON #sequelachristi2024 It is Day 16 and we are at the final leg of the pilgrimage trip to Lisbon. I am enjoying myself and I am not ready to say goodbye to the memories I made with my fellow brothers...
Reflection by: Nicole Chow Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 15 – FATIMA/NAZARE/LISBON #sequelachristi2024 Day 15 was an eventful day filled with movement as we journeyed from one place to another with each stop offering its own experience. We started with a Mass...
Reflection by: Dominic Chua Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 14 – FATIMA #sequelachristi2024 Today was a very memorable day, let me tell you more about it. We started the day with mass, at the Chapel of the Apparitions, where I had the privilege to do the mass readings....
Reflection by: Timothy Wong Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 13 – SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA/FATIMA #sequelachristi2024 Today was a full day of travelling, which meant long bus rides and sore buttocks. We set off early for Fatima and stopped by a town...
Reflection by: Christina Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 12 – SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA #sequelachristi2024 After a long 5 hour drive from Salamanca, we finally reached Santiago de Compostela! Best known as the end point of the El Camino, millions of...
Reflection by: Magdeline Chronicles of a pilgrim – Day 11 – Avila/Santiago de Compostela #sequelachristi2024 Today, we attended Mass at the magnificent Salamanca Cathedral, located in the heart of western Spain. The gospel reading focused on how God’s burden is...